Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Bettas have a fairly short lifespan, and are most successful as breeders when they under a year old (bettas in pet shops are usually at least six months old). They breed in bubblenests and do not require a large tank or special equipment.
Most breeders find that a bare bottomed tank of roughly ten gallons works well, although smaller tanks are also suitable.Ideally the fish should be conditioned prior to breeding, by feeding them a diet of live foods. The water should be at a pH of about 7.0, and temperature around 80 or slightly above.

The male will blow an elaborate bubble nest when he is ready to spawn. The female should be provided with a hiding place, as males may become aggressive during courtship. Even with a hiding place, it is common for the female to lose a few scales or have their fins frayed during spawning.

When they are ready to spawn, the pair will display intense coloration and begin circling each other under the bubblenest. The male will wrap himself around the female who has turned on her back. As she expels the eggs, they are fertilized and begin to sink. The male will scoop up the eggs and spit them into the nest. From this point on the male will tend the brood. It is advisable to remove the female, as the male may become aggressive towards her as he tends his young.

The male will continue to tend the bubblenest, spitting eggs that fall out back into the nest. In one to two days the eggs will hatch, and the fry will be visible hanging in the bubblenest with their tails pointing downward. They will feed off their yolk sack for another thirty six hours, during which time the male will continue to pick up any fry that fall out of the nest. The male should be removed within two days after the fry hatch, as they may eat the young once they are free swimming.

The fry should be fed a couple of feedings daily of baby brine shrimp or very fine baby food. Tetra makes a dry mixture specifically for egglaying fish, and many pet shops carry frozen baby brine shrimp. Take care not to overfeed, as the uneaten food will foul the water and can quickly prove lethal to the fry.



In nature Bettas subsist almost exclusively on insects and insect larvae. They are built with an upturned mouth that is well suited to snatching any hapless insect that might fall into the water. Internally their digestive system is geared for meat, having a much shorter alimentary track than vegetarian fish. For this reason, live foods are the ideal diet for the betta, however they will adapt to eating flake foods and frozen and freeze dried foods.
Brine shrimp, Daphnia, plankton, tubifex, glassworms, and beef heart, are all excellent options that may be found frozen or freeze dried. If flake food is fed, it should be supplemented with frozen and freeze-dried foods, and if possible live foods.


The fighting fish, also known as sepilau  fish is one of the freshwater ornamental fish popular in Asia. This fish is known by the name of science, Beta splendens. In English, this fish is called "siamese fighting fish". There are many fish spesies cardamom. Local types have long fins. Kind of a long fin originate from the Mekong River. That is why this fish is known as "Sepilau Siam" or "Siamese fighting fish. Fish around the Mekong River is known as PLA-card or PLA-Kat which means the fish bite in Thailand. Do not wrong impression that the scientific name is derived from Greece 'Beta'. Betta not actually derived from Greece. It actually comes from the word 'fish bettah. Fish have long cardamom about 6 cm. There are also types that reach up to 8.0 cm. Recently, some breeders are able to produce fish in excess of 8 cm. Although cardamom is the color of the fish that most of the fin is long and broad, the original type has a short fin with less bright colors, the green and brown. Fighter fish of this type can still be found in a swamp in the vicinity of Malaysia. Now the more popular types of bright color with a long fin. The most popular type is veiltail, delta, superdelta, and halfmoon. Fish cardamom is a member of a group of  Sepat fish(Gourami) (family Osphronemidae) In order Perciformes. Previously it was classified with Anabantidae. There are more than 50 types of betta such as Karin. However, Betta splendens is the most popular types of ornamental fish enthusiasts.